Monday, August 30, 2010

A Walk in the Dark

Well it definitely wasn’t dark when we headed out after dinner, it was more like dusk. We just had so much fun strolling around the neighborhood we lost track of time. As we went along from street to street Hailey was fascinated with the STOP signs, of course we stopped at every intersection and pointed up at the sign. I said “STOP” and Hailey silently smiled with her pointer finger while thrusting herself back with excitement. It was a perfect night out, someone must have lit a fire because the smell of a burning fire place filled the air. When we approached a quaint little house with a beautiful garden, we couldn’t help but stop there and smell the pretty flowers. I also couldn’t resist picking an orange marigold for Hailey, it just matched her dress perfectly, she held on to that flower the entire walk. As a desperate attempt to go over her colors I thought it would be fun to point out the color of each car, as we walked pass them I would say, “see the blue car” and Hailey would respond in her sweet soft voice “aah” (her interpretation of car) a few steps later I’d say “Hailey look, there’s a red car” she would point to it and say “aah” and before I knew it she was navigating our way through the neighborhood pointing left “aah” then right “aah.” this simple game had become so pleasurable. Hailey really has taught me how to slow down, how to enjoy and appreciate the moment. We were having such a good time together I didn’t want the night to end.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Miley Cyrus - Party in the USA - ASL Song

I love this one! He looks like he is having so much fun!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Well This About Sums it Up!

You weren’t like other children,
And God was well aware,
You’d need a caring family,
With love enough to share.
And so He sent you to us,
And much to our surprise,
You haven’t been a challenge,
But a blessing in disguise.
Your winning smiles and laughter,
The pleasures you impart,
Far outweigh your special needs,
And melt the coldest heart.
We’re proud that we’ve been chosen,
To help you learn and grow,
The job that you have brought us,
Is more than you can know.
A precious gift from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
A child who’s taught us many things,
But most of all- “Real Love”

Author Unknown

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oil Painting Good Harbor Beach Gloucester

This is the 2nd of two paintings I have painted for a woman who wanted a couple of unique and personal Christmas presents for her family. This picture was taken at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester. They celebrated their daughters 2nd birthday there and now we've captured this picture on canvas. What a beautiful memory!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Not a day goes by that I don't read something positive about the ipad being helpful tool for children with special needs. I read it on Nathan Charlan's Blog about his son Zachery who Has Cerebral Palsy. He and his wife Renee are completely sold, you can read more on that press here I have also heard about it being helpful for kids in the autism spectrum. You can read more about that press here I just thought I would put these out there for anyone who may be thinking about this or even for those who have not. Hailey has a Dynavox (pictured above) a $10,000. computer that she has been using to help her communicate. Thank God this was covered by insurance! Otherwise we would be going the ipad route for sure for about $500.00 From what I understand the ipad is much easier to carry around, not nearly as heavy, that's one up on the ipad, but the dynavox has a plastic guard on top that helps the children with motor skill issues make a more accurate choice. Can anyone else who has either of these two useful devices tell me some pros and cons about each? Thank you

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I had lots of fun painting this ocean scene. What a beautiful day to be walking along the beach with your granddaughter. I am glad this special moment was captured on camera so that I could do my own interpretation of this special day on canvas. This painting is one of two that I am doing as a commissioned special I offered recently. This customer new a good deal when she heard it, a 16 x20 original oil on canvas for only $100.00 She ordered one for her parents and another for her husband as Christmas presents. Shop early this offer ends on August 31. For more information contact me

Monday, August 2, 2010

We had such a nice weekend with Hailey, I’m sure I sound like a broken record, I just enjoy her company so much, it is always my pleasure when she spends the night. We even got Grampy up at 6:00 a.m. to take us out to breakfast, even though he just went to sleep at 4:00a.m. Though she doesn’t really talk much, Hailey knows that all she has to do is give him that mischevious unbelievable smile of hers and he will do whatever she wants. She can play him like a fiddle. We spent the remainder of the day playing games and reading books, It is amazing how much Hailey still enjoys reading, after reading several books I would attempt to walk into the kitchen and start preparing dinner or cutting up fruit and Hailey will continuously follow me out there with another book in hand, her new thing is to get on her knees and thrust herself up on your legs.She totally wraps her arms around both of your legs, still holding on to that book and looking way up at you and smiling. After such effort and determination I have to stop dead in my tracks and bring her back into the living room and read more books. She can never get enough of them,and I can never get enough of her.
Last night when Christine came to teach us sign language, Hailey totally knocked her socks off. Of course Grampy was video taping us and she also likes to ham it up a bit. We mostly worked on our colors. We started with the book “Brown bear, brown bear what do you see” I narrated the book while Christine would show her each color in sign and Hailey would match each color inside the book with a small color square, she never even got one wrong! The high light of the night was when Hailey signed “Bear” each time she would sign “bear” Hailey would point outside, we had no idea what she was pointing to, at the end of the night, Christine brought the dogs inside (she brings two dogs with her each week, one dogs name is Lycos and the other is Teddy) The dogs come running inside very happy to be going home and Hailey smiled and
signed “BEAR” we didn’t get it that she was signing Teddy Bear! Now I wonder who is teaching who here?