This is a month specifically dedicated to raise awareness for Cerebral Palsy. This year the actual day falls on March 20th.
Since Hailey was born with C.P. almost 4 years ago now, (my where does the time go)? Any mom of a child with special needs can easily tell you where the time goes... it goes to the countless hours spent in so many therapy sessions, to hours, days and weeks spent in the hospital whether it be for an unexpected emergency, or a routine check up. Endless days and hours researching and grasping bits of information that will help you to understand his/her diagnosis better and help your child to live as independently or comfortable as they possibly can. I have always looked for ways to educate others about Hailey and this month gives me an opportunity to really drive it home. I would love to share with you, just a few little things that I will be doing this month in an effort to help Hailey and others who have C.P.
The first thing I did was write an article in the special needs edition of The Boston Parents Paper.
You can read this article here on page 10 of the electronic version of the magazine. I also made green ribbons and handed them out to friends and family who wanted to wear them in support of Hailey. I changed my profile picture to one that has a positive message about C.P. and encouraged my friends to do the same, you can find your own here. Another thing I did was to help raise money for Hailey’s Conductive Education by placing a few donation jars in convenience stores in my neighborhood. (May will be here before you know it and that is when Hailey will be going to Michigan for 4 weeks to attend Conductive Ed)! I have also suggested that friends join the event that Natalie started called “Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month” and I will be posting facts about c.p. on my facebook status quite frequently this month to help others understand just what C.P. is.
If you can add to this list and help others raise awareness please comment below.
This is a wonderful list. Kudos to you for everything you do. C.P. has touched most of our lives, but because it's not currently a "high-profile" condition,we need to be reminded that it's still around and that there's always a need for more research.