Sunday, June 5, 2011

Conductive Education at The CLC

The Conductive Learning Center
Grand Rapids Michigan

Well friends, I have to say...The four week experience that we had at the CLC just may have changed our lives and our outlook on life forever! The people who work there are so dedicated and obviously devoted to the children who attend the center. Whether they are there for one session or if they are attending full time, the approach is the same and the goal is to promote independence. It concentrates on developing and improving gross motor skills such as learning how to sit, walk and hold on to large objects, as well as fine motor skills including learning how to hold a pencil and eat and drink. Many parents are surprised to see their child sitting on the potty for the first time.
The curriculum strategies are tailored to the needs and abilities of each student, many who have Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida and other Motor Challenges.
The Conductors are committed to teaching students to reach beyond what is expected. They include music and singing into a structured routine making it a fun and positive experience, so they can learn the necessary skills needed to live a more independent, confident and fulfilling life.
You can only imagine our excitement when they had Hailey up on a walker (with assistance of course) after only being there 3 days! We wholeheartedly agree with the program and want to see Hailey attending on a more regular basis. I’m not sure if that means moving to Michigan, or making the trip there more frequent. It is not even out of the question to open up a Center here in Massachusetts. Either way I have to get more aggressive in my fundraising efforts. Unfortunately Conductive Education is not covered by insurance.
Friendships are different now than they used to be, quality instead of quantity. The entire community welcomed us with open arms. The parents, the staff, and the program director were all helpful and inspirational. We felt a complete sense of belonging and unity. Families who understand, people who have never met us before opened their home and their hearts to us. It is the bond we share as families of children with special needs. Parents who have walked the road before us paved the way. The same families who have learned not to waste their precious time listening to rude comments, awkward stares and low expectations from Doctors.
To all of the Parents and Educators at The Conductive Learning Center in Michigan. I have just one thing to say. BRAVO BRAVISSIMO!


  1. Janet, I think we shhould also say:

    Bravo Bravissimo to one dedicated Grandma!

    It is lovely to read about your family's successful first steps on their conductive lifestyle path.

    Is there any way of finding all of those great video clips of Hailey in one place? I cannot find all of them on You Tube anymore.

    Best wishes to you all,


  2. Susie, I really have to get better at uploading the videos. I have some on my phone. Haileys mom Natalie also has some on youtube. I think I may have put mine as unlisted/private. I will find away to send you some this evening. Thank you so much for all of your help as well! I will be in touch with you further as my son will be looking for a Conductor to spearhead or direct a center here if we can find away to get it rolling! Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Hi, Grammy!!

    Danielle was not even close to all of that at that age! It sure brings back so many memories for me!! She looks Great!! I heard you say close your mouth and to this day I still say that! LOL

    Thanks for all you do, I will try to get all of the art work when I can. I will pass all on to all I know.

  4. It's so sad that CLC isn't covered by insurance. It seems wrong that insurance covers hugely expensive surgeries but not something non-invasive that could help a child lead a better life.

  5. Thanks for the information you left me on my blog!
