Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Any father plays an important role in their child’s development. But the participation of the father to a special needs child is significant. In honor of Father’s Day I’d like to dedicate this post to my son Tommy. We have all heard the expression that anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy. Well, Tommy is a very Special Daddy. Most of my readers know that Hailey was born 4 years ago with Cerebral Palsy. Tommy’s commitment and dedication to his family is exceptional. I’m not quite sure how he balances work, Dr’s appointments, home life, school involvement and still manages to fit in a 4 week trip to another state so that Hailey can get the education that she needs to live a more independent life. After coming back home from the trip to Michigan, Tommy came home and immediately started making some of the furniture that Hailey would need to help her with her core strength and help her on her way to living a more conductive lifestyle. I have always been proud of Tommy as a son and as a person. But today I am most proud of the Dad that he has become.

Although I would like to take all the credit in raising the fine young man that he has become, I can’t . My husband Tom has certainly had a hand (o.k. maybe both hands) in raising him. He was a great example and leader, a symbol of strength and courage and an extraordinary family man, he raised the bar high and mastered the art of being a great Dad. So, we have promoted him to Grampy. He would go to the end of the world and back for Hailey, All she has to do is smile and Grampy melts, right there on the spot. Happy Father’s Day to two very special Dad’s.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice tribute to two special dads. Hailey is lucky to have them!
