Friday, August 5, 2011

Painting of Natalie and Hailey!

My new favorite painting. A beautiful Mom with her beautiful daughter.

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers. ~Claude Monet

I am a delicate are the sunshine that helps me grow -Janet Harrold


  1. OMG, Janet, this is gorgeous!!
    You are SOOOO talented! Keep it up...


  2. Very beautiful. I wonder what it's like to have such a talent. My stick figures are awesome, but otherwise I lack artistic talent.

  3. I just found your blog through Love That Max. Your artwork is truly amazing!! Just amazing. I was not able to find on your site information about your prices for artwork. I have a blog Redefining Typicay
    I write about my son who has autism. My sister who is a photographer take pictures to marry with my writing. I would be interested in possibly sending you a picture and having your paint. I just wanted to see if I might be able to get a list of your prices for your work. Again, your work is amazing!!!
