Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Impact Dance Fundraiser for Hailey
I just want to thank everyone who contributed to helping Haileys fundraiser to happen. Whether you dug deep in your pockets and made a cash donation or you shared the information with your friends, or if you couldn't afford to donate but still enjoy following along with our story. I just want you to know that we thank you for your loyal and loving support of Hailey. Meghan Mccaffrey of Impact Dance Co. has worked effortlessly at making this fundraiser happen for her. It is down to the last few days and she is just a couple of dollars short of making her dream come true. Pledging ends on May 30th. So please click on the link to Impact Dance Co every single dollar adds up, whether it is $1, $10, $25 $100. We appreciate your support.
Friday, May 11, 2012
an almost life size painting of beautiful Hailey
I've been crazy busy and no time to blog, but I managed to squeeze out a painting...
I think I need a bit more work on the eye...and maybe on her smile, this painting does not fully reflect just how sweet her smile is but I keep getting asked why I haven't been blogging so I had to put something up to satisfy my loyal readers, even if it is unfinished :)