Monday, April 26, 2010

Hailey "gets it" I know she does!

It's springtime here and there are so many beautiful trees in bloom right now. A nice time to share this story with you. On Wednesdays I take Hailey swimming and on our ride to the pool we usually sing and clap to a custom C.D that a friend made of children's favorites. Last week I turned the music down and pointed to all of the different colored trees that currently line the city streets, (also a nice way to review and learn colors with Hailey) pink Cherry blossom, white Dogwood, Flowering crab apple etc.etc. Because Hailey can't always take part in the same things that other children are taking part it, I think it is important for her to notice the simple yet beautiful things that mother nature has to offer. Sometimes while talking or explaining something to Hailey, she smiles with acknowledgement and other times Hailey has less expression on her face and seems to be in a daze or she just looks right through me. I'm never quite sure if she understands me or not.
This Sunday while my husband and I were taking Hailey to the Trailside Museum, I noticed out of the corner of my eye Hailey casually lifting up her right hand, her arm stretched towards the front windshield (because Hailey is non verbal she typically points in the direction of what she wants) I look back and see her smiling, but still i'm uncertain of what she is trying to say at this point. Another minute goes by and Hailey extends her left arm, (I'm still oblivious) Hailey then lifts her right arm again, this time I get it. Hailey is telling me to look at all the pretty trees. I just smile from ear to ear because I know that Hailey gets it, she really gets it!


  1. Ahhh!!! She DOES get it! I'm sure she does.

    Keep up all the talking and teaching...she's listening and taking it all in.

  2. Thanks caryanne, I am also convinced. Thanks for reading!

  3. There isn't the slightest doubt over it. She does get it. How sweet this story is!
