Friday, October 1, 2010

"Double Trouble"

You may remember these two adorable twins Ben and Daniel, i've painted them in the past. (they also remind me so much of my own twin nephews Mickey and Orlando when they were that age)Ben has Cerebral Palsy, like Hailey. The first painting I did Cary,(their Mom) from here was touched when she noticed that I put my trademark Cerebral Palsy awareness ribbon over Ben's heart. This time I placed it near Daniel's heart because i'm sure his love for his brother is great. I hope she likes it.


  1. What a true talent you are! I know their mom will LOVE it!!!

  2. You are such a talented artist, and a woman with great love. Beautiful painting and even more beautiful sentiment in it.

  3. Janet,

    This picture is so beautiful. I cried seeing the ribbon. As an adult with CP, its hard to see kids with CP because I wish I could save them from what I have to go through. But I am thankful for people like you that speak out for kids and people like me who have to deal with this disease. I know their mom will love this picture <3


  4. What a beautiful picture!!! I especially love the way the little boy in red is holding onto the bucket and looking inside.

  5. Thank you to all for all of your kind words and feed back. I truly appreciate it.

  6. What a wonderful piece of art! I love the CP Awareness ribbon on Daniel. Fabulous job!

  7. that is absolutely beautiful! I could only dream of that talent. I like how you portray them as just being kids and don't show the CP as this blaring thing like some people do because after all, kids are kids! They look like they are having so much fun. :D It reminds of my beach 'back home'. I miss it. You definitely have a gift!
    ~Jen B from the blog hop

  8. What a wonderful painting!

    Visiting from the Special Needs Blog Hop. :-)
