Friday, October 15, 2010

Exceptional Family

Well, it’s official episode 2 just started on Exceptional Family T.V.(To link to the video introducing me and the other bloggers)click here and then select "This Week" I am both honored and proud to do my small bit in contributing to their show. I will be writing a weekly blog from a grandmother’s perspective trying to convey the importance that the role of extended family plays in the life of a child with a disability, and also about the fun that Hailey and I have together. eFamilyTV focuses on parents/families/caregivers raising children with special needs. I hope that you will follow me and the other bloggers as we raise awareness and educate the rest of the world about the realities, struggles and triumphs of amazing families raising children with special needs. It helps parents connect with each other through open discussions and share ideas about therapies, equipment, adaptable toys and everyday stories. I have learned so much about Hailey’s disability by reading and speaking with other parents/grandparents who are living the same life. You can too. Pictured above are just a few images of my "Exceptional Family"


  1. This sounds so amazing Janet..I am going to go watch the video right now.

  2. Hi Janet,
    I loved the Exceptional TV season 2 premiere. ANd You looked great. I look forward to the next week.... and everyones input. Hope Hailey wins the Gap photo casting!

  3. PS where is the photos of you and Hailey?

  4. Thanks Aangela and June,

    Oh and June, you know I hate my picture taken, that video was soooooooo hard for me. But if it will help children around the world, then i'm on board!
