Pictures, pictures, pictures...Well, we all know how beautiful Hailey is, and her mom Natalie takes tons and tons of pictures of her. Everyone who meets Hailey says the same thing. “Wow, she has the most amazing smile”. She really does, her smile is contagious and inspiring, and truthful, her smile is like the sunshine to me, very warm and sensational, it brightens my day.
As many parents of special needs children know, having your child’s picture taken professionally is not always an easy task. Many of our children experience sensory issues and have a hard time with bright lights, maybe they have a hard time sitting in one position or have difficulty with head control. Why not Have a photographer come to the house. They can capture your child in their natural setting. This might make your child feel more relaxed. Well, a couple of years ago I wanted to have Hailey’s picture taken by a professional photographer so I had Jess from Boston Baby Photos come to our house. She was very good with Hailey, at the time Hailey was not very good with strangers and I was nervous that she wouldn’t be too cooperative, Jess did a great job of keeping her distance from Hailey while getting some really, really good shots of Her. You can see them here We have a beautiful photo book that we will treasure for a life time. Not realizing that it had been 2 years since Hailey’s last photo shoot, I figured I better call Jess again. We agreed on doing trade. She would do another beautiful photo shoot of miss Hailey and I would do a painting for her. I had so much fun painting her family, they look like they are having a great walk through the park. So whimsical and fun! If you are interested in a photo shoot from Jess and live in the Boston area you can contact her here. The photographer who has taken the photo of Jess and her family is here.
Have you had trouble taking professional photo’s of your child? If so, do you have any tips on how to make your child comfortable during a photo shoot, maybe he/she has a favorite toy that may help them feel relaxed.
Jess did a wonderful job last time, and your painting of her family is beautiful. It's inspiring to see the work of talented people.