Friday, December 23, 2011
Santa Claus
This year I thought was a good year for Hailey as far as the Santa Claus thing goes. I wanted to know whether she was getting the whole concept about Santa or not, so I decided to ask her questions about what she was getting for Christmas. Obviously Hailey couldn't tell me in her own words, she doesn't speak, so my questions would simply be yes or no questions. Hailey is very good at shaking her head no and when she nods her head up and down for yes, it is much more of a subtle nod, If you are not paying close attention you just may miss it. The first question I ask her is..."Hailey, have you been a very good girl this year?" Hailey slightly nods her head up and down. and then I ask..."Hailey, is Santa Claus going to bring you lots of toys?" again her head slightly cocked and she is nodding up and down. So I continue... "Is Santa going to bring you a doll baby?' up and down again. "Is Santa going to bring you a truck?" this time I think i'm going to trip her up abit, but she slowly nods her head up and down again. Now I'm thinking she is just saying yes to everything I ask her. My next question..."Hailey, is Santa Claus going to bring you some new clothes?" She briskly shakes her head NO! Just like any typical 4 year old, she is not as interested in the clothes as much as she is the toys. The following day I went home and wrote her a letter, the return envelope was from The North Pole. When Natalie read it to her, she listened attentively as her mother read these words...
Dear Hailey,
Rudolph just whispered in my ear that he can hardly wait to lead the reindeer with my sleigh full of toys on our long trip from The North Pole to your house!
I will be making my list and checking it twice, please continue to be a good girl. I know that you are 4 years old now and getting so big! The other day I looked into my crystal ball and discovered that you are going to have a little brother soon.This is great news, I just know that you will be the best big sister ever.
I must go now to check on the elves in the workshop where they are making all the good boys and girls their favorite toys. I think I saw them making a new doll house for you! We will be loading the sleigh soon and heading your way.
Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus
Hailey's face lit up like a Christmas Tree!
What a sweet story! And how wonderful that Hailey will be getting a little brother!