Tuesday, April 3, 2012
An Interview with Parenting on the Peninsula
I have recently been contacted to do an interview with Donne Davis a columnist from "Parenting on the Peninsula" (POP) is a monthly journal serving the San Francisco Peninsula and the Silicon Valley whose sole purpose is to provide valuable parenting information for parents of children of all ages. She thought my blog was so beautiful and touching. Isn't that sweet? The publication is both online and in print, however since I am not in California, I can't just walk into the local coffee shop and pick up a copy. To read the interview with me, click on the link below and scroll down to page 6! Then go back and read the rest of the publication.
http://www.ponthep.com/issues/2012/april-shine.pdf Donne Davis also has a great website where Grandmothers Brag, Bond and Benefit. It is called the GaGa Sisterhood It is such a great site, you won't want to miss it.
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