A place to show my love for my granddaughter who lives with Cerebral Palsy and my passion for painting. In an effort of raising awareness for C.P. every painting brush stroke I make on raw canvas is a stroke of love, as I discretely paint a green C.P. awareness ribbon in every piece. Can you find them?
Do you know someone who would like to have a painting done? email www.harrold.janet@gmail.com

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Not a day goes by that I don't read something positive about the ipad being helpful tool for children with special needs. I read it on Nathan Charlan's Blog about his son Zachery who Has Cerebral Palsy. He and his wife Renee are completely sold, you can read more on that press here http://www.exceptionalfamilytv.com/blogs/producers/nathan/zachs-mac#comment-414 I have also heard about it being helpful for kids in the autism spectrum. You can read more about that press here http://www.sfweekly.com/2010-08-11/news/ihelp-for-autism/ I just thought I would put these out there for anyone who may be thinking about this or even for those who have not. Hailey has a Dynavox (pictured above) a $10,000. computer that she has been using to help her communicate. Thank God this was covered by insurance! Otherwise we would be going the ipad route for sure for about $500.00 From what I understand the ipad is much easier to carry around, not nearly as heavy, that's one up on the ipad, but the dynavox has a plastic guard on top that helps the children with motor skill issues make a more accurate choice. Can anyone else who has either of these two useful devices tell me some pros and cons about each? Thank you

1 comment:

  1. See these two blogs for more:




